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Ready, Set,...

David Boyd

The invitation ‘it is time-to GO’ has been extended. Are we ready? In whose power do we go?

Where do we go? To whom do we go? What gets us ready to go?

"After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go. And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." -Luke 10:1-2

I must admit I can get bogged down in preparation and delay in getting down to the actual doing. Like watching too many youtube videos before actually doing a task on my cars, or before grilling something on the grill. There comes a time when I have to get my hands dirty and actually do it. Do you remember learning how to crack an egg? How many times did you end up with egg all over your hand, or trying to fish fragments of shell out of the bowl? We get better with ‘hands on’ experience. But prior to that we will be ineffective without the right mindset. Years ago where I worshipped I was involved in an international mission with a young man. We met to plan for one of many trips to Kenya. I wanted to start with prayer. His response stings to this day. He said that we don’t have time for that, there is too much to DO. In a human sense it is ironic how that mission unfolded. I made lifelong friends and ministry partners on those trips and God opened up opportunities for His word to convict, equip and commission. But that young man became a problem, later having to be removed from the work. God teaches us lessons whenever we give space for Him. In this case it became abundantly clear that our prayerful posture must be a priority before proceeding. Look again at the attached verses. Jesus wants us prayerful for His kingdom and our involvement in it. What is your personal mission field? Who is in it? Humble yourself before God asking how you can be involved in His Kingdom work. THEN go do it. After all, the increase is His.

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