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We believe that Jesus is the head of the church, which is the body, and has commissioned us to go into all the world acting as His hands and feet, to carry His message to the world. 



We value relationships, and as a ministry, it is our goal to provide a place where teens can come, find connection, feel loved, are BE challenged…but mostly a place where they can see Christ and have the opportunity to grow in their relationship with Him.


We strive to teach with relevance! Our goal is to share Biblical truth that can be applied to what is going in the lives of teens today. Not just what they want to hear, but messages that challenge our young men and women to consider what God is calling them to and how their words and actions matter.  


We value missions and service! Throughout the year (but especially during the summer) there are numerous opportunities to serve. We feel that service is a vital part of growth and development and believe there is something about the experience of serving that shapes you like nothing else. When you look at the life of Christ, not only did He share that serving was one of the primary reasons He came (Matt. 10:45), but it’s a great summation of His entire life through all that He said and did.


We love to have fun! We have a great group of teens who love being together. Most go to different schools, but some of their closest friends are in the youth group, so naturally, they look forward to being together. One of our goals each time we meet is to have a great time together and laugh as much as possible!



Our hope for the education of our children is to have teachers who love the Lord and love learning His word, passing this love onto our children so that they may know Jesus and see how powerfully His Word can make a difference in their lives every day. 


In teaching our children we also value their safety and well-being. Therefore, we perform a background check on anyone and everyone who teaches them. We believe this is important in protecting our families at Riverwood and all who may come and join us at any given time. 


We have classes for all of your kids at every age. Find out where they need to be here!



For the past 30 years, the Riverwood church family has hosted ten homeless men monthly during the Room-In-the-Inn Winter Shelter Program which runs November through March each year. We provide our guests with dinner, overnight sleeping accommodations, a hot breakfast, and a sack lunch to take with them when they leave. This gives our church family opportunities to serve the homeless community with transportation, cooking meals, serving meals, staying through the night, and engaging in prayer and conversation.


We have typically worked through our small groups to host one of the evenings, but there are numerous opportunities to get involved. If you are interested in becoming more involved in how Riverwood serves this ministry, please contact the church office or Rod Boehm.



Nashville Inner City Ministry is a Christ-centered community organization dedicated to empowering the spiritual, educational, and vocational development of at-risk youth and their families, and is one of the outreach opportunities in which Riverwood has been involved for many years


Riverwood has been able to help support ICM in several different ways including providing some worship and classroom facilities, teaching, snacks, and contributions at their Conqueror’s Luncheon and Summer Camp.


During the school year, ICM buses can be seen in many of our surrounding neighborhoods on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights, picking up children and taking them to Bible classes. This involves worship, learning, fun, and snacks. As a part of this ministry, Riverwood has been able to provide classrooms, supplies, snacks, and even teachers on occasion. We are hopeful to begin hosting some more classes this fall.


Over the years, Tuesday nights for these children have been special, and we have been blessed to be a part of it. If you would be interested in partnering with Riverwood to serve ICM, please contact the church office or Marsha Boehm.

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