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Are We Attached?

Janice S.

Unity of the body of Christ.

No part of the human body can function unless it is attached to the body. Recently, one of our brothers accidentally severed a couple of his fingers. Amazingly, a surgeon was able to reattch them successfully. With therapy, his hand can now continue to work in its normal fashion.

As disciples of Jesus, we too must remain attached to our church body in order to function properly. When we are attached to Christ’s body, the oxygen rich blood of Jesus can circulate through us, cleansing us, energizing us, preparing us for His purposes. If we isolate and separate ourselves from the church, our spiritual growth will grow anemic and eventually wither.

Unity is crucial for the body of Christ. With Jesus as the head, the entire body is equipped to share the message of His redeeming grace with those who as yet do not know Him.

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1 Comment

Lois Finney
Jul 18, 2023

Janice, what wonderful words! Thank you for your thoughts, they uplifted my day!!❤️

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