It is so comforting that God knows everything about us. He knows our entire life story, even better than we do. He knows all about us and how we got to where we are today, our struggles, and our strengths. He knows all of our thoughts, good and bad. Most of all he cares for us so deeply that he would send his only son to come and experience unimaginable pain to forgive the sins of those who believe in Him. He works in our lives constantly in various ways that we can sometimes be unaware of. I hope you have had time to read John 1: 35-51 for a moment today!
In John 1: 35-51, we see Jesus calling his first disciples. Immediately reading this we see that John and his disciples were looking for Jesus. John 1: 36, “As Jesus walked by, John looked at him and declared, ‘Look! There is the Lamb of God!’” Reading this I immediately think of the importance of seeking God. God is working and walking within our lives, however, we must take the time to look for Him with other believers who can help to lead us to Christ like John the Baptist leads his disciples to Jesus. It’s important to develop our faith through reading scripture, praying to God, and growing close with other believers who can help to lead us closer to Christ and see him working in our lives.
The second thing that stands out to me in this scripture is that when the two disciples saw, they immediately followed. John 1: 38-39, “Jesus looked around and saw them following. ‘What do you want?’ he asked them. They replied, ‘Rabbi’ (which means ‘Teacher’), ‘Where are you staying?’ ‘Come and see,’ he said. It was about four o’clock in the afternoon when they went with him to the place where he was staying, and they remained with him the rest of the day.” The disciples dropped everything they were doing, they left John the Baptist to go and follow Jesus. In the same way, we should drop everything to go and follow Jesus in our lives. To ask him for guidance in everything we do and apply the words that we read in our Bible to our lives. We must love others and show Christ’s love through our actions.
Sometimes it can be hard to be aware of God working in and around us. When I am struggling in my relationship with Christ, it can be difficult to see him working. Usually, when I am growing closer to Him it becomes much easier to see him working. We can see him working in our actions, in the actions of others, and in the way that our lives and events unfold.
At this point in my life, I am constantly having to remind myself about God’s love for me and that he is working in my life. With so much change occurring as I get ready to graduate, I have found that taking everything to God, striving to love others like Him, and trying to follow his will is extremely important. Although I am human and fail often, God is there to help me to grow into His will for my life. And He is there for all of us.
Any parts of the reading today that stand out to anyone? Or reminders God has given you of His presence in your life recently?
Thank you Dylan for these wonderful thoughts. Something that stands out to me in todays reading is the way Jesus sees people. The interaction with Nathanael is so incredible. Jesus says "I could see you under the fig tree before Philip found you." But the response Nathanael gives "Rabbi, you are the Son of God- the King of Israel" seems to indicate that being seen was much more than Jesus looking across the field and seeing Nathanael. The response is one of not only being seen but heard as well. It gives comfort to me that when I am "under the fig tree" in whatever difficult or good situation praying to God, that he hears and sees me. Even when…
Great thoughts, Dylan! I also love when Jesus and Philip both say, "come and see." Thank you for sharing.